Wednesday 11 April 2012

Easter 2012

An unexpected Easter break which has been a mix of highs and lows (and obviously i've still managed to fit in some stitching.)
Finished his felt phone snuggly from CrossStitcher magazine. I changed the colours to suit my taste more and am very pleased with the result.

My little Boo had a mast cell tumour removed yesterday so we have been looking after the poor little pooch. We all couldn't believe such a small wart looking growth could be cancer. So thankful we got it checked out and removed so there was no spreading. He is such a precious part of our family, it gets to us all when he is unwell. Bless his heart.

On a more positive note, breaking Warrior has been a dream. The little pud is certainly proving his worth in gold. He has taken it all in his stride and has so far been around the farm on a lead with no issues and even been off lead in the school completing circles, changing rein and halts. So proud with his progress.

AND ... My number one has been going from strength to strength... yep thats right Baby even manged a lesson with Vicky this week. So happy to take him back to the cob show yard he used to be a regular at. Obviously his fitness is much weaker after about 2 years off after his leg injury but he is showing many promising signs.... love him